阅读历史 |

Chasing Fire(2 / 2)


鍙洜涓烘垜渚濇棫鐖辩潃浣?br />

And it's weighing on my chest

杩欎唤鐗垫寕鐘瑰閲嶇煶鍘嬪湪鎴戣兏鍙?br />

We keep our bodies tied together

鎴戜滑闈犺繎褰兼 缂犵坏鎮辨伝

To ignore what's coming next

鍙笇鏈涜冻浠ュ拷瑙嗗喎閰风殑鐜板疄鐨勫埌鏉?br />

I was driving you home in the middle of the night

鍗堝婕暱 鎴戦┍杞﹁浇鐫浣犲洖瀹?br />

But I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye


I was driving you home in the middle of the night

鍗堝婕暱 鎴戦┍杞﹁浇鐫浣犲洖瀹?br />

And there's no good way, yeah there's no good way

鍒棤鍏朵粬鏇村ソ鐨勫姙娉?nbsp; 鍙湁濡傛

I'm chasing fire when I'm running after you, you

褰撴垜杩介愬湪浣犺韩鍚庢椂 涔熷湪杩介愭垜鑷繁鍐呭績鐨勯偅鍥㈢伀鐒?br />

You got that something that I never wanna lose, lose, yeah

浣犳槸鎴戞案杩滄棤娉曞壊鑸嶇殑涓鍒?nbsp; 鏃犳硶鐙犲績绂诲紑浣?br />

It's like dancing when the song's already over

鎴戜滑鐨勫叧绯诲氨鍍忔槸涓鏀垶 鐩村埌鑸炴洸缂撶紦缁撴潫

Moving without getting any closer

鑸炴缈╄饭 鎴戜滑涔嬮棿鍗翠笉鏇炬湁涓濇闈犺繎鈥?br />

鎴戞妸鑴告湞鍚戣溅绐楀锛屾病鏈夊啀鐪婱ike銆?br />

涓璺鑹查湏铏癸紝杞︾獥鎻簡浜涚紳闅欙紝鍋跺皵鏈夊椋庣亴杩涙潵锛屾竻娓呭噳鍑夌殑銆?br />

楝撹竟鐨勬暎鍙戣椋庢壃璧锋潵锛岃剳瀛愪腑绾蜂贡鐨勬濈华涔熼啋浜嗭紝鎸傚湪鐪煎熬鐨勯偅婊存唱涔熻惤浜嗐?br />

涓嶉噸瑕佷簡锛屾垜鎯炽備粖澶滅殑椋庯紝宸茬粡涓嶉噸瑕佷簡銆?br />

鐩村埌鎴戞墦寮杞﹂棬涓嬭溅锛屾垜鍜孧ike閮芥病鏈夊紶鍙h璇濄?br />

鎴戜滑鏈鍚庣殑鐪肩浜ゆ祦鏄垜绀烘剰浠栧紑杞﹂攣鐨勬椂鍊欙紝閭g灛闂翠粬鍢村攪鍡殔浜嗕竴涓嬶紝浠夸經鏈夊崈瑷涓囪瑕佽锛屼絾鏈缁堣繕鏄病鏈夊紑鍙c?br />

