阅读历史 |

一、始(3 / 4)


way it ans beg cal while everybody shit their pants”


“what an annoygly ol na! what about you, this ntlean over here you o are tother, i presu? what’s your na?” cae笑着看向alex。

“to answer your first estion, i thk , sir as to the send estion, y na is alex, which is eally annoyg, becae it ans a strong and sexy guy” 说完alex回过头冲她挤了一下眼睛。


alex搂住她,轻佻地咬了一下她的耳垂, “you never told how ol your na was bad girl”

“you didn’t say you were strong and sexy either” 她挑起眉,反驳道。

“it goes without sayg” 他眨眼。

晚上10点半,他们手牵手走在kg’s cross地铁站外面宽阔的广场。在伦敦1月的寒风里,他们一人吃一个甜筒,不时地停下来接吻。空气里好像有甜得化不开的旖旎。

“i a a happy an” alex扔掉甜筒抱着她,下颌蹭着她的头顶。

“sit i’ll sg you a ng” 傅谈笑拉着alex坐在一张长椅上,唱起了honey honey的thursday night。

“i’ sittg here with you tonight you ake an awful pretty sight sce it&039;s jt o tonight, i thk that we should screw tonight

“i’ feelg kda stuck tonight an old jukebox with a neon light i bit down on y ck tonight i thk that we should fuck tonight

“it’s not that i&039; jt g you, you jt look like you need it too, and when that sun es rollg through, we&039;ll have done what we ca to do

“it’s jt and you tonight i got no bark and i got no bite -- unless of urse that&039;s what you like&039;ight not t uch sleep tonight

“it’s not that i&039; jt g you — you jt look like you need it too and when that sun es rollg through, we&039;ll have done what we ca to do

“a’t no need to thk tonight, to whisper babe or k tonight sees to you&039;ll do alright, jt keep brgg those drks tonight”


