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OFC*Severus Snape子世代可怜的小鸽子,所有食死徒都将觊觎她的婚床。小奥利凡德形容姣好,天真如同新雪,血统纯似黄金,她没有哭泣,但是泪痕犹在,她身上的气味是半甜的醋栗和香草,她一只脚踏入了成人的世界,一只脚还停留在自己的童年。但这是战争,死神不会因女人和孩子而放下屠刀。她没有哭泣,至少在他面前。很好,西弗勒斯厌恶眼泪,眼泪总是代表软弱,他憎恨懦夫事情从图卡娜五年级开始江河日下,不知...
更新时间:2023-02-22 19:15:32
- Ch63punishment(2)
- Ch63punishment(2)
- 62punishment
- 62punishment
- Ch61
- Ch61
- Ch60
- Ch60
- Ch59
- Ch58Hauntedcorridor
- Ch57Tucana039;ssecret
- Ch56
- 查看全部章节 ↓
- Ch1 From Astronomy Tower
- Ch2 Wednesdays are always unpleasant
- Ch3 Her professors
- Ch4 DADA
- Ch5 Black in my soul
- Ch6 Dog and Hippogriff
- Ch7 Devil039;s fireDevil039;s snare
- Ch8 death death-eater dark dark-lord
- ch9 Dragon Blood hunter
- ch10 Wet and Awkward
- Ch11 A Muggle Photograph
- Ch12Rewards and Costs
- Ch13 House and Finals
- Ch14 Where039;s the truth
- Ch15 home sweet home
- Ch16 into the woods
- Ch17 Toucan
- Ch18 The New Term
- Ch19 she-devil
- Ch20 How Black Sirius Black Is
- 父女番外 西里斯图卡娜(教授党勿入)
- Ch21 a drunk dog
- Ch22 Lestrange
- Ch23 AuguryAzkaban
- Ch24 For the Greater Good
- Ch25 GodDog
- Ch26 Broken
- Ch27 How to live a happy life
- Ch28 Life is but a dream
- Ch29 Wedding and Bedding
- Ch30 Wedding and bedding(2)
- ch31 Spinner039;s End
- Ch32 Listen Watch Think
- Ch33 MrsSnape
- Ch34 Legilimens
- Ch34 (2)
- Ch35 dangerous man dangerous time
- Ch36 skeletons in the closet
- 37 Cabin in the north
- Ch38 weeping willow tree
- Ch39 Nomen illi mors
- Ch40 the Order of the Phoenix
- Ch41 Ollivander girl
- Ch42 Malfoys plan
- Ch43 Night of Knight Bus
- Ch44 Why women strong
- Ch45 I see fire
- Ch46 Blood and Fire:blood
- Ch47 Blood and Fire:Fire
- Ch48 Not her fault
- Ch49 White Christmas
- ch50 Gorgon
- Ch51 Poison
- Ch52 My lord
- CH53 The Fountain of Fair Fortune
- Ch54 Daily life
- Ch55
- Ch56
- Ch57Tucana039;ssecret
- Ch58Hauntedcorridor
- Ch59
- Ch60
- Ch60
- Ch61
- Ch61
- 62punishment
- 62punishment
- Ch63punishment(2)
- Ch63punishment(2)